Wednesday, January 17, 2007


this man makes me laugh. He knows a lot about how the draft works and is adamantly against it altogether. He presents all his facts rather correctly from what I can tell, then proceeds to launch into a spiel about how all should choose not to go and it would take a police state to force it upon us, which would show us what our country was really made of if it got to that point.

He is okay with some people going to fight, though. "Draft? I'll support one. Get a few worthless youngsters off the street. Draft them all, no deferrments , no rich brat excuses." If it is going to happen, these are his conditions. Oh, and how does he feel about women in the next draft? Dismisses it completely. "No drafting of females, that's pathetic the wimps of this country would even consider it." And that is that in his mind.

I think in order to handle this question of females in the next draft, it must be taken into consideration how people feel about the draft in general, gender issues aside. They have their feelings about involuntary service, and then their feelings about women on top of that. In many cases, the conditions of it make people's opinions more toward one extreme or the other. This is issue is not just a man vs. woman thing at all. Women are divided on what they think, men are divided, young verses older have different views, and then everybody has their own opinion on the draft. Will it happen? Should it happen? How should we react if it does? etc.

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